We have recently been lucky enough to get involved with Adecco's launch of a command and control center capability in their Prague IT Hub. It was officially opened by the CIO Ralph Weissbech, the brilliant Andy Laurence and Alex "Mr Command Center" Ureche.
This is just the start for Adecco as they start to built out improved visibility across the organisation using some of the best people & tooling available. The ambition for Adecco is to mature business service monitoring, taking it from a reactive to a predictive state by introducing techniques like machine learning and AIOPS. The team are already smashing every single KPI, fewer incidents, faster resolution times and more prevention of business impacting incidents.
The command center video wall (see below picture) is a fully automated zero touch solution that reacts to any critical incident raised in Servicenow. This cutting edge augmentation solution powers live insight presentation from any tool to the teams that need it most (ipad, phone, screen, video wall).
Learn more about the Adecco story in this video: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alexandruureche_customerexperience-transformation-collectivespirit-activity-6848313867685253120-_HjV

If you'd like to know more about our role in this project, please feel free to reach out info@visibilityplatforms.com